In lieu of recent, horrific events, I thought I would take the time to write a thread about the racial dynamics in America...

Because it's clear to me no one in a position of power is capable of thinking critically of these issues without falling into ignorance, or their agenda
I mean these things genuinely. I may not have all the answers or be right, but if you're going to critique my take, please do so constructively. If you cannot do so respectfully, please, get lost. You're part of the problem.

No one is able to say what needs to be said anymore.
With the MURDER of George Floyd (and there is no reasonable justification for that to be labeled anything but), African Americans have full right to be vengeful. Violent. If you were black you would feel vengeful too. But the looting we saw last night is nowhere near the fix.
Now we just get right back into the back and forth. Neoconservative pundits will think the rioting justifies the racial injustice that George Floyd, and other Black Americans face.

Circle continues. We get nowhere. Problem continues festering. Like it has been for decades.
Because frankly, this has been a problem since the birth of this nation. And obviously the binary thinking used for 300 years fucking sucks. Otherwise we wouldn't have stirring race wars in 2020.

It kills me. We are better than this. Way better. The root causes never discussed.
This racial problem has deep roots. But in the modern climate it is like you either have to pick BLM or unperturbed white self protectionism. It's so dumb.

Ideas don't exist in a bubble. But guess who would LOVE for you to think that? The common enemy white and black folk fight
The media. The globalist fractional reserve banking hierarchy. Multinational corporations. The State. Because we are much easier to conquer divided, than brothers in arms.

They want to break us down, so that they can profit off the mangled lack of personal identity.
Which has been clearly evident through the push for "diversity". Diversity is a fat fucking lie. If we all are forced to blend together, we have no diversity.

For culture to maintain, you must uphold tradition, and family. For white and black folks in the States, it's slipping
Neither of us are winning. From a Black Perspective (obv not black but I have had a lot of convos with black people I consider family) they feel like second class citizens. Targets in a country they have helped build. Not to mention gutted by pop culture and media framing.
And they feel systemically deprivileged. From a resources standpoint. And I get it. Granted, I do think a point that holds worth as well is there are some black people who need a reality check too. Endless violence, crime, you cannot be for Black improvement and condone it.
Meanwhile, Whites take any ideation at improving this offensively, and here's why in my opinion. They have been forced down their throats all their life to be "sorry" for shit they didn't even do. To give up their "privilege that earns them everything" in life.
To accept diversity, to abandon their culture and feel shamed for it, meanwhile literal statements of White Genocide go by unscathed. There absolutely is anti-White sentiment. I've seen, and experienced it. Granted, there are White people who need a reality check.
People who wallow in their own insecurity and let it manifest as disgusting racial hatred and violence. They need to be rid of too.

The reality is, most White people and most Black people are fucking awesome moral people. Go outside and speak to people before you let media talk
And we all want the same thing. But the radical ends just spout hatred radicalizing the two ends. Never offering solutions.

In the current state of affairs, we have been memed into the "accepted" solution being MLK style civil activism for blacks, and neoliberal "help" for YTs
Both solutions suck in my opinion. Bad.

MLK was a token talking head let in to make rightful angry blacks calm and ease the situation. Much prefer Malcolm X style accountability and black ownership. Blacks will never have healthy communities if that doesn't come to pass.
And the White solution is neoliberal closet racism. If you believe Black people "need your help", you automatically view them as below you to my understanding. They are people, just as competent. They don't need your White Savior complex.
So here is my solution. I propose we cut the bullshit. Call Spades Spades and get to work.

To begin with, fair justice. Great thread of ideas to start with I'll tag at the end of this thread.
And then we encourage a new kind of seperationist mutualism.

White Supremacists want America to be a pure White ethnostate. I think that's retarded. Insecure heads talking.

But I do think an air of White Nationalism is needed. All that means is...
I think White people have the right to have a home and culture that's their own and protected. And I think Black people have that same right in America.

I want White families to grow and prosper and flourish because I'm proud of my heritage. And I want Black families to as well
This isn't to say we can't have a diverse culture, but for either community to be healthy and thus have good relations we must let them be accountable for their own development. But instead we both lose.
Imagine this: you delegate ownership of various city-states to African Americans. Let them run businesses, build, have culture.. and likewise for white communities. Imagine how cool that could be. You visit Atlanta and get the rich tradition that people like @HotepJesus speak of.
And then you slide to Boston, and get the best experience White culture can provide.

Idk if this is the answer, honestly just getting ideas out. Obviously we are all one as a nation. But the multicultural melting pot hellhole of everyone walking around in fear and hatred sucks.
I just want both parties, and all the other demographics in the States for that matter, to be protected, and intelligent, and abundant, so we can worry about way cooler and more productive shit. Grow and Win. Seems like the rest of the world just wants to bitch and point fingers.
I would love to hear other ideas, too, because I don't have it all figured out. I'm just tired of the worst 1% of races and the media ruining this shit for everyone. We ARE better than this.

Here's the thread of actionables:
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