THREAD: I thought I would share some entirely-my-own-opinions that I think will bring you a some hope. And I know I’m opening myself up to a world of pain from Twitter here.

There’s a sense of hopelessness amongst the left that the right are unbeatable. It's not true. /1
Let’s look at Trump. “Ew no”. Haha, you guys. OK. In 2016 voters who disliked both candidates favoured Trump by 12 points. He was 12 points ahead with voters who hated both candidates. Same poll now finds Biden is 40 POINTS ahead with voters who don't like either candidate. /2
Now, I’m no fan of Biden, in fact I caaaiiiirrrrnt staiiirrrrrnd him. But Trump is beatable. There’s a sense that after what happened in 2016 Trump just cannot lose. He can. November is his election to lose. /3
In the UK the Tories have been growing in power since 2010. Well, other than 2017 of course but I’m not going to get in to what went on then coz I’ll HULK OUT. But it’s understandable to believe this Tory government is Teflon, here for decades, un-get-rid-able. It isn’t. /4
A week in politics is a very long time. Hammond went from Chancellor to an irrelevance in under 2 months. You HAVE to have credibility to the public EVEN IF IT IS INVENTED and Johnson et al have just lost theirs. /5
I am not saying the left will definitely beat the right in near future, just that the hopelessness you feel is understandable but unnecessary and I want you to feel better. Nothing is permanent, not even the Tory government. And now LET THE ABUSE COMMENCE! /6
And I write this as someone who had no hope from mid-December to mid-March. The election hit me incredibly hard and a personal loss combined with this to create real hopelessness. I'm back to fight now, kids. 7/
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