Me: (4.9.20) “Where is Tom Hanks and Heidi Klum? They all knew Harvey Weinstein well and knew Jeffrey Epstein. Apparently, a huge spike in black infections and deaths has alarmed the White House. The old ‘they don't wanna comply, by washing their hands and practicing...
proper social distancing, wearing a mask & staying home like errybody else. I'm suspect a false flag moment soon, where a black person is shot and killed for not following the national guidelines for COVID 19 or something else. The MSM needs the distraction from Obama and Biden.”
Me: (4.19.20) “I told you Christians are under attack worldwide. You can't have no freedom of religion with socialism/liberalism being masked for what we are in right now, Democratic Party Totalitarianism. Trump needs to shut this ish down at the Federal level on May 1st or we...
are headed for a boogaloo on American soil. No winners then. President Election suspended or mail in votes sanctioned for the ‘safety’ of the people. The Dems win through lies and fraud...again.”
Me: (5.5.20) “Didn't I tell you! They are now using the Ahmaud Arbery incident to foment unrest and division. No winners in that one. The psyop moves forward with the help of the MSM.”
Me: (5.6.20) “I told you this was going to happen 3 weeks ago as well. I knew that this shooting would be politicized by the Left and Biden has jumped on it. No winners.”
Him: “Isaiah, where are you getting this information from?”
Me: “It’s been done so many times before. I see.”
Me: (5.7.20) “Our Black people are falling for this political psyop just like clockwork. All reactions and emotions after a 3 month old shooting. Watch what the next 2 weeks bring as the COVID19 lock down will be the number one priority to quarantine poor black neighborhoods...
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