I am a queer, disabled white person.

While I may face marginalization based on being queer & disabled I am still white. My whiteness is not overwritten by being queer/disabled. My whiteness does not go away. My whiteness means I will be treated better than BIPOC regardless
My whiteness means I will not suffer the same marginalization as a queer BIPOC, or a disabled BIPOC. My whiteness means regardless of anything else, I still am privileged in the eyes of the various power systems that determine things like life and death in the US
I'm bringing this up because I've had white ppl in my mentions try and derail conversations about white women and anti-black violence by claiming, in so many words, that they are just as marginalized because they are disabled and thus "don't count" as white
You still count as white.

Your whiteness will still act as a shield.

Can you suffer from systemic violence? Of course. Can you feel the negative impacts of marginalization? Of course.

But not in the way a black person would suffer
I'm not trying to tell people they don't face oppression; they obviously do. I know. I've been through it. But by inserting ourselves into conversations about race and racialized violence we're using our whiteness & the power it grants us to once again silence BIPOC
So please please understand I'm not invalidating your experiences but I am reminding you that you and I are still white.

And our whiteness still shields us.

And if we want to counter white supremacy we have to accept this and work against it.
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