[THREAD] let’s talk about the relationship between physical and mental health. Most of us who have gone through issues with our mental health have noticed many physical symptoms. Also, when we are physically sick and are unable to move much, or do anything, it affects our
mental health. There is definitely a bidirectional relationship between these two. There is often a separation between the physical and psychological but they are so intertwined that this separation doesn’t really exist in our life. The best examples of that are psychosomatic
disorders where people lose their sight, hearing, use of their legs for no physical reason. It is psychological and they can get back those functions later on. Furthermore, when we physically ill, the way we react to it psychologically has a big impact. There were studies done
on people going through cancer. Those who were able to recover were more likely to have a more positive outlook and convinced they can beat. Those were clinically depressed after their diagnosis of cancer were more likely to pass away from their cancer. This is really important
because it shows that our mental health strongly affects our immune system and immune response. When we are feeling anxious, our body releases multiple stress hormones. When it happens too often and our bodies are overwhelmed by it, our immune response is reduced, we start to
get inflammation in our bodies, etc...The biggest link between physical and psychological exists in our digestive system. The only other place in our bodies where neurons exist besides our brain are in our stomach. That’s why when we feel strong emotions, we often feel like our
stomach is disturbed and can start throwing up, having diarrhea or other digestive system related issues. For most people, when we have anxiety, we don’t suspect anxiety at first. We think that something is deeply wrong with our bodies. We rush to our doctor or the emergency room
rather than suspect our mental health because we don’t realize how powerful the physical symptoms of mental health can be. However, we can mitigate those physical symptoms. Treating our mental health will undoubtedly help with our physical health. Coping, deep breaths, etc...will
also help with reducing the physical response. It is important that we keep in mind how both our mental health and physical health are intertwined and that the separation doesn’t exist in real life. I am open for some questions. Hope this was a little informative 😊💚
Credit to @kethaabhi202 and @ever_so_tired for suggesting this topic 😊😊
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