+Upset re #COVID19 (many levels),
politics, disparities in who is most affected. Upset tho to the point of doing a video (never have) to speak up re my distress re ⬆️ anti-East Asian attacks affecting my parent's safety. I recorded this yest & didn't know if I should post.
After seeing more racist attacks w 2 Asian women in their car, a 15 yo boy bike-riding & 2 big racist events in US, I feel I had to post to not be complicit with silence. 
I'm sorry I'm not a media pro/don't know how to close caption: here's a transcript 🙏 #inclusion/2
My parents are in their 70's in BC. They have fear just walking around the block. Their best friends were verbally attacked along w rude gestures crossing the street. They want to wear a mask to do their part but are way too scared to. /3
They don't want to increase their "Asianness" to be a target. They have been Canadians for almost 50 yrs, yet they can STILL be made to feel like they don't belong.
I am so disturbed by all that #COVID19 is bringing to light & I will fight for #justice and #equity for all.  /4
I will fight against discrimination of ANY KIND (race, gender ID, sexual orientation, religion, age, abilities, SES)
But this one cuts me to the core. My parents have sacrificed so much for the benefit of me and my sisters. Despite ALL the cultural clashes we had growing up, /5
I am SO GRATEFUL they immigrated & want them to feel safe in their chosen country.
If they can't feel safe after 50 yrs, can you imagine how others who immigrated more recently feel?

Pls #speakup if you see ANY discrimination. It's on ALL of us. #stopracism @ACT2endracism /end
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