if I had to rewrite #dnd5e for a new edition

- paladins, barbs and monks are types of fighter
- goodbye weird vancian magic
- racial ability adjustments get removed
- untie experience rewards from slaying monsters
- being back minions, rituals & artefact rules from 4e
of course all the books would be drowning in gay orc/tiefling art
- ranger is a vestigial tail that needs to die. It goes in the garbage alongside it's animal companion

- warlocks and clerics in 5e are literally the same concept (magic from a distant father figure) why are they different classes are we trying to make this difficult
- keep advantage/disadvantage because it rocks

- simplify spellcasting components.I am NOT keeping track of which hand has what in it so I can drop my shield to make a somatic gest-just no

- balance the spellbook and jettison the 50 fire spells for more interesting magic
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