I can’t comment on the rumor going around that @jack murdered a hitchhiker back in the day.
Wouldn’t recommend accepting a ride from @jack though. That would be irresponsible considering the rumors that he murdered a hitchhiker.
People are saying there’s no truth to the rumor that @jack spent 2002-2004 murdering hitchhikers and I won’t comment but hitchhikers were murdered and have you fuckin seen @jack?
I don’t want to profile anyone but when you google “what does a serial murderer of hitchhikers look like,” it is weird that every picture looks like @jack, who again, is being accused of murdering hitchhikers, not that I want to cast aspersions or comment on the rumors.
Listen, when you pal around with white supremacists and you’re a ceo, which we all know means you’re probably a psychopath, certain rumors about murdering and cannibalizing hitchhikers are going to surface, @jack and I think you should address them.
People are saying @jack framed Jeffrey Dahmer for his crimes but Dahmer isn’t here to comment. Coincidence? I’m not saying we should get to the bottom of it.
“Why was Dahmer killed in prison before he could comment on the rumors that @jack was responsible for his crimes?” Is a question I’m not asking.
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