What is the wildest topping you enjoy on pizza? I've been thinking a lot about the pizza buffet I went to in Japan, and how good the mayo/fish roe pizza was. And one of my favorite pizzas in the world is from a place in Atlanta that puts maraschino cherries on the Hawaii pizza.
Remember, all food crimes are valid, and liking a "weird" food doesn't make you a monster.
Apparently banana on pizza is popular in some places. I tried to make it at home once and nope, not for me, thanks.
I used to babysit these girls from France and they would insist I put french fries on their pizza for them and it was DOPE
Oh man whats that Korean Pizza chain that's also in LA?? They have a pizza with sweet potatoes and corn chips and all sorts of other stuff on it that I miss desperately
Also shoutout to the place in GR with a hot dog pizza that was actually shockingly good. There's a place here in town that does a chilidog pizza but I don't want to order it just for me lol
This thread is making me realize how much I enjoy pizza.
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