Guide to Fasting -- A Thread.

I have tweeted so much on why you should fast. This thread will deal with how you should fast. Which Fasting style to choose and when it's time to change things.
What is a fast?

When you don't consume any calorie for a period of time > 16h, that can be considered a fast.

Key is calorie.
Q. I fast for religious reasons but consume fruits during fast. Do I get any benefits?

A. You will get spiritual benefits only. As far as physiology and health benefits are concerned, you won't get any benefits. Remember that to consider it a fast, you shouldn't consume any cal.
Q. What about fruit juice fast?

A. Again, that not a fast. You consumed a lot sugar present in fruits. Exactly opposite of fasting.
Q. Can I put some milk in my tea instead?

A. Not that will break the fast. If you are taking so much pain to fast, why ruin everything for a cup of milk? Don't.
Q. How many types of fasts are there?

There are basically three types based on what you consume during that period.

1. Water only fast.
2. Salt water fast.
3. Dry fast (no water)
Q. What is a water fast?

- In this you consume only water, nothing else.

- Great for detox.

- Should not be done for more than 48 h as you'll lose minerals Na+, K+ etc in your urine.

- You get all the benefits of fasting : Weight loss, lower inflammation, mental clarity etc
Q. What is salt water fast?

- This is the fast you can do for longer period. I could do 11 days with this method once. Two 9 day fasts during the Navratri.

- You sip only electrolyte (NaCl, KCl 1stp each in 1 ltr) solution through out the day to replenish minerals Na+, K+
Q. Is it necessary to do such long fasts?


You are better off doing 7 one-day fasts than 1 seven-day fast.

Max you should shoot of is 72h occasionally. Maybe once a month.
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