Risk --> Uncertainty(roll) --> Hard Choice --> Outcome

is a sequence I am comfortable with, but

Risk --> Hard Choice ---> Roll ---> Outcome

makes me uncomfortable for reasons that it's hard to pin down.
I'm good with:
Risk --> Tactical Choice --> Roll --> Outcome

But that seems like a very different thing to me. If a choice is genuinely hard, I kind of want it to be the end point.

Ok, there's also some loss aversion math here.

If the choice FOLLOWS the roll, then my outcome grid is:
Either positive or a 50% loss.

If the choice PRECEDES the roll, I am *guaranteed* a 50% loss, and am rolling to see if it goes to 0.
In contrast, the tactical choice is not a *loss*, it's a OPTION. I am not necessarily worse off for choosing to go to cover than I am for rushing the enemy.
Loss aversion is a really serious gameplay element, and I think that's the heart of what's bugging me.
You can follow @rdonoghue.
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