In a lot of the anger around the rush to protect Dominic Cummings I want this point to be remembered: he will now be responsible for the people who die needlessly because policing the lockdown will become almost impossible.
It's not just a case of "well if he can do it, I can" it's the numbers of people who will see it this way. It's the scale. The fact that this happened at a time when England have already begun easing up on lockdown will give a terrifying number of people licence to ignore it.
This moment will be studied in history classrooms of the future. This is the perfect storm for a second spike.

Stay at home. As painful as it is. Don't let the suffering of all of us who cannot see our loved ones be in vain.
Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson have blood on their hands. Don't be a statistic. Stay home. Please.
Oh and if the scales have just now fallen from your eyes, stop voting Tory. Please stop voting bloody Tory.
Some of you have chatted with me about this. Some of you have been through absolute hell, not being able to see dying loved ones, not being able to offer physical comfort, not being able to attend funerals.

Think of these people. That's what I do. Stay home for them.
It's okay to be angry. It's okay to be exhausted and fed up. It's normal, actually.

You're not alone.

Please don't put others at risk.

Be maliciously kind. Be kind for spite. You're better than those tossers.
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