This Sunday Times graph of *modelled* infections surprises me I'd have assumed that such a narrow spike in infections would have led to a rapid dropoff in deaths post peak, which we didn't see. Am obviously wrong though.
This is the curve my colleague Simon Wood estimated which looks more like what I'd imagined, given people changing behaviour pre-lockdown.
Density function for infection to death time was estimated in this Lancet paper (albeit based on Wuhan and Diamond Princess data) (axes notches are 10 days). Should be able to convolve that with Sunday Times graph and get a plausible UK death curve.
But broadly speaking, if you add two random variables that are both fairly concentrated within a 10 day window, shouldn't the answer be concentrated within a 20 day window?
I'd like to know more about the Sunday Times curve though, given what @FraserNelson has said about Imperial model not allowing smaller R other than through full lockdown.

And in the light of e.g. @TomChivers piece this week, I think Simon's curve above is worth discussing too.
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