Many of us deal with perpetual anxiety. It creeps into our lives and holds us back from achieving our goals.

Would you like to KILL that negative voice inside your head?
Some people think anxiety is derived from overinflated self-worth, always thinking about others opinions of you.

While this can definitely be the case, I tend to believe it originates much more from an under appreciation of our self-worth.
Have you ever been PARALYZED by the thought of people around you reacting negatively to your actions?

Whether you were too scared to talk to that girl. Too afraid to voice your ideas at work. Too self conscious to do that exercise in the gym.
The bad news, these thoughts POISON your soul and constantly hold you back from achieving your goals.

The good news, many people experience the exact same emotions and there are numerous ways to fix them.
I struggled for years. Inside my own head far too often, constantly thinking about all the negative reactions my choices could create.

I PULVERIZED this part of myself and beat it into submission. I’ll outline techniques I used to awaken the confidence that was always there
Thor’s Steps for Building Confidence

- Eliminate Outcome Dependency
- Face fears head on
- Eliminate negative self talk
- Control your breath
- Meditation
- Explore Nature
- Exercise
Outcome Dependency

We are always focused on the outcome of our decisions. While this normal (you obviously want good outcomes), hypersensitivity to the outcome can paralyze you from taking action.

Embrace failure as the learning experience it is.
As long as you are putting THOUGHT and EFFORT into your actions, there’s nothing more you can do.

Even then, you will fail many times in your life. Change your mindset. Every failure is showing you how to be SUCCESSFUL. You find out what works & what doesn’t. It’s all a lesson
Facing Your Fears

Do something every day that scares you. This doesn’t mean you need to be jumping out of planes and getting in fights daily.

Focus on the small things you wish you were doing. Take ACTION on whatever those are.
If you’re fearful of approaching women. Go to a bar and approach EVERYONE. Do it often. You’ll fail many times, but you will realize there is nothing to be fearful of.

And you know what? You’ll start clearly realizing what works and what doesn’t
If you’re fearful at work, force yourself to provide your insights to the people around you.

Again, if the thought and effort are there, you’ll realIze the value you bring to the table. And 99% of the time your insight will be welcomed
Eliminate Negative Self Talk

For people with anxiety, you are likely always talking to yourself in your head. Calling yourself a piece of shit, inadequate, unlucky, or not strong enough.

FUCK THAT. Start thinking of yourself as a DEMIGOD. Everything you do is gold.
If you KNOW in your heart you will succeed, you will start embody success & it will come much easier.

Think of the typical super confident guy. They aren’t always the smartest or best, but the energy they bring makes others BELIEVE they are.

Often times proper breathing can mitigate anxiety.

Focus on proper breathing techniques. Breathe through your nose with your mouth closed and tongue on the roof of your mouth.

Breath deeply into your stomach, not your chest. Exhale that energy upward above your head
I’ve found proper breathing particularly useful if you get anxious before public speaking or presentations.

If you feel the physiological reactions of shortness of breath, a frog in your throat, or your heart racing, FOCUS on the nasal & stomach breathing

Meditation has many incredible benefits. For anxiety, it will clear your mind & help eliminate the clutter in your thoughts

If u struggle w/ anxiety, there will be a lot of unnecessary thoughts to purge. This practice will speed up ur progress

More on meditation 👇 https://twitter.com/thorbrah/status/1261349782565593090
Get Into Nature

Nature has a MIRACULOUS way of healing us. Go exploring or hiking often.

You will feel the energy of the world around you begin to calm your mind.

We are MEANT to be exploring. Don’t deprive yourself of that experience.

Exercise releases stress and clears your mind. Many anxious people just don’t move enough.

Make sure you’re exercising regularly, I’d recommend daily.

The body was meant to move. Sedentary lifestyles cause a build up of energy, resulting in anxiety
When you implement these principles in your life, you will start to see the anxiety fall away.

This won’t happen overnight. Just like your progression in the gym with your body, you have to put in the work.

There’s no magic formula to change instantly.
BUILD with consistent small wins. Constantly learn from your successes and failures.

Think of how you TRULY want to live and always work towards that.

You can build your mind up to become UNBREAKABLE.
If what I’ve described in this thread sounds like you, you will even have an advantage from your current mental state.

Chances are you’re hyper-aware of other people’s opinions.

Once you realize those opinions are MEANINGLESS, use this trait to your advantage
You likely recognize acute changes in people’s demeanor in response to the actions you take.

This means you know SPECIFICALLY how to invoke reactions in others. Whether good or bad. You can tailor your interactions to get what you want out of life.
Watch as your work, relationships, and life all improve. This is a POSITIVE feedback loop and compounds over time.

It’s time to CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

And if you ever get discouraged, reach out to those you love. Trust me, they want to see you succeed.
If you found this helpful, RT the first tweet below.

Unleash the confident WARRIOR inside yourselves https://twitter.com/thorbrah/status/1264398878683607041
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