Ok so here's something wild imo: My floof baby Misty recently was diagnosed with arthritis in her hips and leg. Her vet told us that she'd have to be on certain medication for the rest of her life to help with the pain. And so it was given to us.
Like, she was just GIVEN pain medication.
Because she was in pain and always will be by all known expectations. She has a chronic disease. They will only need to look at her medication again if it stops being enough.
Otherwise she can just continue with this medication that 2/x
immediately made a difference to her quality of life.
I get that since we as her human parents are in control of dispensing the medication, it's not a 1:1 direct comparison.
And I'm definitely not saying animals should suffer in pain bc we do!
But...why is my pain - or even just my hip & leg pain - not treated as seriously as my pet's?
In <2days she went from limping to x-rayed to not limping bc of meds.
Why are neither Misty nor myself shamed when we go into the vets to discuss her health or pick up more syringes?
The vet didn't try to tell me she was just lazy or wanting attn or maybe she'd grow out of it or it would just go away on its own.

I can't believe that getting actual pain treatment for pain is such a bizarre concept to me... But here we are.

Cc: #neisvoid
For anyone wondering, Misty absolutely hates her medicine 🙄 we probably spend about 1.5hrs p/day giving her her 2 doses. but luckily, she's incredibly adorable, as you can see from this video.
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