Healthy diet is a key to the happy life.

When the whole world is battling with Corona, it is even more imp to look at the ways in which we can improve our immunity & avoid spread of such pandemics.

A #thread below to highlight benefits of a meat free life👇

1. Reduce Risk of Heart Disease

Vegetarian diet is,
👉lower in saturated fat & cholesterol
👉higher in plant nutrients
Which reduce heart diseases.

A low fat diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely.
2. Cancer Prevention

🦀~70% of all diseases, including one third of all cancers, are related to diet

👉is devoid of fiber & nutrients that have a protective effect
👉 has carcinogenic compounds such as HCA & PAH that increase cancer risk

High fat content of meat increases hormone production, thus increasing the risk of hormone related cancers such as,
👉breast cancer
👉prostate cancer
👉colon cancer
👉lung cancer
👉esophageal cancer

Hawaii legend Ruth Heidrick is a great example of a benefits one can draw out of vegetarian diet.

She switched to a veg diet after getting diagnosed with breast cancer.

👉defeated the cancer
👉become an award-winning, record-breaking triathlete

Her book - A Race for Life.
3. Lose Excess Weight

On average, vegetarians tend to be slimmer than meat eaters.

A veg diet,
🥑low in fat
🥦rich in vegetables & fruits
🌽rich in whole grains & legumes
offers a perfect formula for the healthy weight loss with regular exercise.

4. Live Longer, Slow Aging

A 12-year Oxford study published in British Medical Journal found that vegetarians outlive meat eaters by 6 years

Plant based diets r rich in
that strengthen immune system & slow down aging
Animal products,
👎clog your arteries
👎zap your energy
👎slow down your immune system

Meat eaters also experience accelerated cognitive and sexual dysfunction at a younger age.
Residents of Okinawa, Japan have the "longest life expectancy" of anyone in the world.

Their secret: a low calorie diet of unrefined complex carbohydrates, fiber rich fruits and vegetables & soy.

5. Avoid Toxic Contaminants

Flesh food are loaded with dangerous poisons & contaminants such as,

These toxins are fat-soluble & concentrate in animal fatty flesh. Hence, many viruses, parasites & worms are present in the meat.
6. Help Reduce Famine

About 70% of all grain produced in USA is fed to animals raised for slaughter.

The 7 billion livestock animals consume 5 times as much grain as consumed directly by the American population.

7. Spare the Poor Animals

More than 10 billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption each year.

Animals used to roam freely in yesteryear farms but today they are factory farmed,
😞crammed in to cages
😞can barely move
😞fed a diet tainted with pesticides & antibiotics
These animals spend their entire lives in crates so small that they can't even turn around.

Unfortunately farmed animals are not protected from cruelty under the law in majority of places.

Our demand for meat means huge numbers of animals go through extreme cruelty
Animals are,
🐤crammed together on crowded, faeces-ridden farms
🐤transported in filthy lorries
🐤slaughtered on killing floors soaked with blood, urine, & other bodily fluids

Pathogens flourish in such conditions. We're responsible for this cruelty to satisfy our taste buds 😞
Rampant use of antibiotics have created "superbugs" - aggressive pathogens which are resistant to any antibiotics.

At our current rate, more people will die of diseases caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria than of cancer by 2050. This is a problem we cannot afford to ignore.
8. Save Money

Eating vegetables, grains and fruits in place of beef, chicken and fish we can cut down our food bills considerably (~3000 pounds a year on a family diet in Britain).
9. Prevent Outbreak of Pandemics

Most pandemics originate in animals.

The COVID-19 outbreak, for instance, is believed to have originated in a Chinese "wet market" that sold sea animals, live birds, and exotic animals for human consumption.
Much like swine flu, bird flu & SARS (which was also caused by a corona virus linked to a Chinese wet market), COVID-19 spread from animals to humans, starting with those who worked in or frequented the market.

This is yet another reason why we should avoid meat consumption.
What does Sanatan Dharma say on this topic can be best explained by the below shloka of Yajurveda - it says we shall have a friendly outlook towards not only human beings but all the living beings.

What a beautiful thought process 👌🙏
The purpose of this #thread is not to comment on people’s eating habits or prove one group superior than other but to give a shout for an academic discourse on the benefits of meat-free diet and stopping animal cruelty.

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