Re: Fat shaming/etc.

Nancy Pelosi said something about President Trump that was designed to get under his skin, because he's someone who is notoriously unable to take the same treatment he dishes out.

I wouldn't look too much into her statement.
Obesity in America is higher than any other OEC nation, at 42.4% -- according to the CDC. That's 13 points higher than our nearest neighbor, Canada (29%).

If we're going to have a conversation about obesity, we need to do it in a way that examines the disease, not the people.
First and foremost, obesity needs to be addressed as a function of our national healthcare picture. Obesity contributes to higher healthcare costs -- about $1500 extra, per year, per person.

I'll inject my personal opinion here for a moment: America has this bizarre "Diet & Fitness Industrial Complex" where there is always some new diet trend or workout thing -- and it's not really helping people address their overall lifestyle. Health is your LIFESTYLE.
We've created a ton of weird hurdles for people trying to start a healthy lifestyle, because there is a ton of conflicting information about how to lose weight, and more importantly -- keep it off.

We tell people they're fat, and then don't provide a roadmap for being healthy.
My personal opinion is that we need to be taxing the hell out of sugary drinks, cigarettes, candy, and high-carbohydrate/low nutrition food.

Let me put it like this: I love Cheezits, but I know they're terrible for me. I buy them rarely, as a treat.
To wrap up this thread: If you're dealing with obesity, and don't know where to start getting healthy... I'm not a doctor or a fitness coach, but if you want someone to talk to, who can give you some tips or support, I'm happy to help, and I won't judge you.
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