If you meet people through Twitter:

1) how do you identify approachable people?

2) what do you do to make yourself approachable?

Check 1: is this person interesting?

Sources: bio, avi, header, external links, non-response tweets.

What to look for: what are the central themes? Do I want to learn more about them, or discuss anything? Are their tweets personal (= easy to engage with) or impersonal?

Check 2: is this person responsive?

Sources: response tweets, conversations between followers, account age.

What to look for:
- Is the account write-only, or does it respond?
- Do they respond to a limited group of people?
- Do followers start conversations w/each other?

Untestable theory:

If an account has conversations between followers, they likely have met enough people to fulfil their social needs. Unless you're on the same level of popularity, move on.

Exception: if you want to build a mentoring relationship.

Check 3: are they in the same location as you? Related: are they alts / anonymous?

Getting to know people is easier on the internet (we tend to be more open online), but meeting them f2f regularly strengthens the relationship a lot.

Check 4: are they actively looking for contact?

Sources: bio ("friendly", "DMs open"), search for "DM" in responses.

Check 5: is there mutual interest?

Source: do they follow you back? Do they respond to your tweets, react to your responses, continue conversations?

Common problem 1: too many retweets.

When the only recent substantial posts of an account are retweets, it looks like a news aggregator.

Retweets need a personal comment (more substantial than "good tweet"), disclosing something about you.

Common problem 2: epigrammatic tweets.

When the account only tweets epigrams (single-sentence, "wise", retweet-optimised tweets), it looks like a bot to me. Epigrams are not conversational. I'm not a marketer looking for a source of "wise" quotes to retweet.

Common problem 3: no context

Example: "school today. ugggghh!"

You're inviting questions. This works as a conversation starter with existing friends, but when I'm seeing your profile for the first time, it doesn't tell me much about you.

Common problem 4: DM etiquette

Apparently people are afraid to DM others, unless the bio says it's ok.

Personal opinion: don't say anything you wouldn't say to a person who might punch you (ie. lecture, 'splain, criticise, come on to them), and you're safe.

End thread.

Any tips or comments? Please add!
You can follow @fvathynevgl.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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