i just don't see why they had to be so mean

all i did was write a stupid thread where i talked about how much marvel movies have meant to me

i didn't even tag anyone
i'm sorry i indulged in a hyperbolic generalization that didn't apply to YOU specifically

why did you have to be such an asshole about it
i'm suffering through the same fucking miserable-ass quarantine as you

i'm lonely and stir crazy and i'm struggling with mental health issues and i haven't seen any of my friends in person in seven weeks
all i wanted to do was express my joy for the last time i remembered feeling unified as a culture by something positive

why did you all have to be such assholes about it

what the fuck did that accomplish besides worsening my mental state
why did you want me in jail

all i did was like marvel movies

why did you want me in jail

why did you want me in jail

why did you want me in jail
i'm sorry you stumbled on a miserable dork's pro-marvel twitter thread full of hyperbolic generalizations that didn't apply to YOU in particular

why did you have to treat me like scum for it
i'm sorry

i wasn't trying to say anything bad about the working class, my words were coming from a place of empathy for their struggles

i'm sorry if it came off as condescending https://twitter.com/JackyGoodKnight/status/1254605731736797185

they're entitled to their opinions

it was my fault for assuming my experience to have been everyone's experience

i just don't see why they had to be so fucking MEAN https://twitter.com/Widgett/status/1254604991404351492
i don't see why they wanted me in jail

why do you want people in jail just for stating a different opinion from you

what does that accomplish
twitter was one of the few things keeping me sane during this shit

no, seriously

twitter sucks but over the last decade i thought i'd learned to use it to my advantage. wrangle the beast, as it were.

and then this goddamn shit happens
and now what

what am i supposed to do for my mental health now

how am i supposed to stop myself from descending into madness

it was just a little meaningless hyperbole you all had every right to ignore why did you have to ATTACK me for it
like what the fuck is this

this dude told me i should go to jail just for stating my opinions

that's what fascists do. fascist dictators throw people in jail for no good reason.

why would you fucking say that

seriously why https://twitter.com/guxpito/status/1254337803195908097
and then it became a fucking sport

suddenly me thinking it's WRONG for people to tell me i should be in jail was something to mock even further

what is the benefit for these cretins
i just want an apology from the people who told me they want me in jail

that's all just an apology

i don't feel like that's too much to ask
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