My neighbors have friends over. Multiple friends. A full house of friends. Friends who say, “I have a friend who’s a doctor and he says it’s not even in austin. They’re just calling everything covid.” I’m going inside.
Another one explaining “It’s literally the safest time to fly.” Jfc where did they fly from. I hate everyone.
I counted 10 but could be off because lookalikes and I’m peeking through the blinds like a crazy person. But I’m done working for the day because I can’t focus when “omg I finally got my hair done.”
“I was gonna say you look amazing”
“Ugh I need gyms to open”
“Oh mine is!”
Holy fuck I wish I’d taped it. I left teddy in the yard. Listen you don’t come when I call you, that’s on you. But he was just tanning. It’s fine. Anyway. The ball went over the fence. It’s a duplex. There’s a gate. They decided to retrieve the ball.
Normally wouldn’t bother me, or him. He has beef with their dog but they ignore eachother. He’s used to Todd and Margo. But a houseparty=diff rules. Random dude steps thru the gate. Teddy charges, snarling like the asshole he is not. Dude shits himself trying to close the gate.
I do like that he’s a big enough dick that he waited, just standing there staring until the dude got within range before charging. But what kind of dipshit sees a large dog staring at him with his mouth closed and still walks into someone’s yard.
Someone in the kitchen announced “salsa!” and one of the bros countered with a “no double-dipping” and laughed so I’m glad we’re at least keeping to the social norm of digging through a chip bowl and dipping into covid soup but it’s okay. No double dipping.
I was rage-vacuuming and now they’re gone. All of them. Maybe they went to protest. I chucked the bell back over the fence so they won’t be tempted if they return while we’re on our walk.
*Ball. Whatever. I was ambivalent about them before this. They were nice enough but loud and sort of irritating. Now, I don’t even know.
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