"Trump wasn't literally telling people to drink bleach! There actually ARE clinical ways to safely inject chemicals that functionally act as disinfectants within the human body and they're used for cancer treatments and bla bla bla"

Okay, few things...
1) The moment you start debating the finer points of whether or not your Dear Leader was telling Americans to drink bleach, you've pretty much lost the argument.

2) Trump already said he was "being sarcastic." Which is it?
3) If the issue is fundamentally that Trump didn't understand the proper terminology of the legitimate treatment he was suggesting, WHY DIDN'T HE CEDE THE FLOOR TO SOMEONE WHO DID? Why does he insist on being the center of attention at these briefings if he doesn't know shit?
4) Y'all spent literally YEARS straight-up lying about Obama being a secret Muslim born in Kenya. We get to have a little fun exaggerating the President's recommendation to drink bleach.
5) Did I mention the moment you start debating the finer points of whether or not your Dear Leader was telling Americans to drink bleach, you've pretty much lost the argument? Either way, suck it, MAGAholes.
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