The study will continue weekly drive-thru testing, and expand to voluntary testing in hard-hit areas. This will also allow the group to identify risk factors for infection (e.g. race). They also plan to follow some participants over time to measure changes in antibody levels.
They are using the Biomedomics antibody test described here. Their analysis includes statistical adjustment for expected false positives and false negatives.

I look forward to learning more about this study as results are reported!
Some initial thoughts:
- I think the random dialing concept is very smart, though of course people may preferentially consent. They also must have access to car and be willing to go out.
- Repeated surveys over time will provide valuable data and enable us to track trends.
- Following a few selected participants over time will be useful for understanding antibody dynamics.
- The test they have used seems to have very poor specificity. How will this impact their findings?
- I'd like to see details of their analysis plan.
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