By the exact same logic, Trump fell short of 270 electoral points if you arbitrarily exclude Texas.

Funny how Texas is NEVER the state y'all choose to arbitrarily exclude in these tallies, huh? Always California, the state with the most people and biggest economy.
Nah, you were just smugly doubling down on "democracy doesn't matter" with a firm "democracy SHOULDN'T matter either."
Keep on defending a status quo devised to placate slaveowners.
how very "not me, us" of you.
Nah, we progressives were just outnumbered. Again.

And once again, far too many of us confuse that for being victimized.

But go ahead, throw another hissy fit and vote Green Party again. Worked out so well for progressive ideals last time.
If defending the electoral college wasn't your intention, I apologize for my misapprehension. Sure did sound like it though.
yeah i dunno WHERE the stereotype comes from that progressives exclude and gatekeep at the slightest disagreement...
Nuts that the same people defending the electoral college are also stanning the politician who did THIS badly in the biggest swing state.
I mean, obviously I don't LIKE the electoral college, but if we MUST be stuck with the numbers, people.
What I am is a pragmatist, Jeff. If pragmatism precludes one from being a progressive, y'all have MUCH bigger problems than Biden.
If Bernie's so Goddamn popular, why didn't he win the primaries?

Extra points if you can answer the question WITHOUT scapegoating the DNC.
Just threw those extra points RIGHT down the toilet, didn'tcha?

Nice hat btw. Tinfoil is coming back this year.
Tell me that lawsuit the reason why Bernie got less than half as many votes as Biden got in your state's primary?
Wouldn't coronavirus affect vote totals across the board? Last I checked, everyone's susceptible to it. Hell, if anything, Biden's base is MORE susceptible to it since they tend to be older.

What makes you think it specifically impacted BERNIE negatively?
But everyone in Florida CAN vote by mail, right? Doesn't everyone in Florida have that option?

So why was it an issue?
Also, look at the numbers, Jeff - Biden got 680,000+ MORE votes than Bernie did in Florida.

You really think Covid fears kept *680,000* Floridian Bernie supporters away from polls BEFORE any states implemented lockdowns? Over two thirds of a million?
And you really think that alone explains a discrepancy of over 2/3rds of a million voters?

That'd be more than a quarter of a million more voters than Bernie actually GOT.
You'll believe whatever you have to believe, I guess.

If Trump wins a second term, I REALLY hope you enjoy those ten seconds of "HA! SEE?! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!"

Savor those ten seconds, Jeff. They'll be gone before you know it.
yes folks, only a REAL progressive supports (checks notes) trump

how much IS Putin paying you guys these days btw?
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