can we make a thread entirely of thirst trap D&D characters because that's a vibe I am into
fighters in unnecessary crop tops and paladins straddling motorbikes they have no intention of using for transport is a mood
and before someone comes along and says "stop objectifying men you wouldn't be so cool if it was all women"

1) you don't know me and what I like
2) I have no problem with sexy art as long as there's no double standard
what men always seem to want is art of women with no armor or waist and boobs the size of Jupiter, but all the men done in gritty realism

pick a lane
either we all get to dick about with unnecessary thirst traps or no-one does
it also helps us break free from outdated standards for beauty

you can have plus size thirst traps
trans thirst traps
disabled thirst traps (peg leg daddy, anyone?)

diversity is beautiful and some people don't get told that enough, so it's important that we tell those stories
you might not believe this, but you absolutely find attractive what society tells you to like

which is WHY we need to make space for stories in which characters of colour, disabled characters, trans characters and others not only have agency but can choose to be desirable too
and yea this goes farther than your home game table and speaks to a wider malaise in western media which teaches anyone who isn't white, thin, able and gender conforming to hate the way they look but I can't change that, I *can* change what happens at my D&D table
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