Nice to see Fiona Apple still kicking ass. She continues to be my most famous kindergarten classmate.
I also have a recollection that maybe we kissed on the playground. But I also recall that there was a kid named Tate who had a long white beard, so it's very likely my memory of that time is not as good as it could be.
Although I think Fiona had another friend who she was always with that also lived a few blocks from me. Maybe we kissed? Maybe none of it happened.

And it's possible I merged Tate with one of the Dwarves from the Bakshi Lord of the Rings films, which I saw around that time.
You guys are really more impressed with this than I think you should be.

I also grew up with Mark Ronson, a guy who was on The Sopranos for a bit, and the little brother of the guy who invented moviefone. I guess you could say I'm New York City royalty.
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