1. The key to understanding how the Obama/Clinton crooks worked is to remember that information, much like money, can be laundered.

'Dirty' gossip ➡️ (launder)➡️becomes 'clean, legitimate intelligence'.

All you need is leverage, power and money to get it done.

Must follow ⬇️ https://twitter.com/CJBdingo25/status/1252532788055683074
2. And you must remember that Obama & Clinton never thought Crooked would lose.

That was their grave miscalculation.

Drunk on power, they assumed they were untouchable. They controlled every imaginable lever of power.

They also controlled the media.

Just one problem.
3. They had lost touch with the PEOPLE.

When you are in a hall of glittering mirrors 24/7 for YEARS, all you see is your own reflection.

It's clear no-one was telling Obama and Clinton that they might lose.

There was no back-up plan. At least not one that was pre-planned.
4. Many observers of SpyGate assume that the Aug 15, 1016 'insurance policy' text by 'the unfortunate Peter Strzok' was in case Clinton LOST.


I think the 'insurance policy' was for when Clinton WON.

Let me explain.
5. The 'Trump-Russia' story was for later use.

POTUS Clinton would have called for an investigation into what happened.

Her apparatchiks would have concluded Trump was in bed with Putin and that the investigation was 100% legit.

Trump & his family? DESTROYED.
6. In Aug 2016, these people were NOT thinking that a defeat was possible. The texts prove that.

There's no way they were planning an insurance policy for DEFEAT.

It was for the inevitable VICTORY.

And then, Clinton got burned.

By the people they forgot.

Well, well, well.
7. As POTUS Trump said yesterday, it's time to investigate the investigators.

Has been since Jan 2017, in my opinion.

The crooks have all been played. BIGLY.
Trump and his team are way too smart for the likes of Obama & Clinton, who are career politicians.

Child's play.
8. They thought she'd never lose.



The end.
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