Her: “Hey...can we say celebrities?? ☺️ Don’t punish us all, please. ☺️
Me: “Are you a multi-millionaire or billionaire posting wine and cooking great food during a pandemic? No? Then my post doesn’t include you.”
Her: “Multi and fight hard everyday for those who don’t have.”
Me: “Yet you are not posting how ‘good’ your life is on Twitter and neither am I.”
Her: “Ok. It was light harded because you mentioned extra taxes which is one of the reason I support Trump but it’s clear you took it too serious so I move on.”
Me: “I’m going after Bill Gates and corrupt Democratic Party members and not even posting myself cooking and everyone that follows me know that that’s my joy.
Yes, I took (it) seriously, because it’s serious times right now my sister and ‘we’ can’t afford to be this tone deaf as the other financially sound celebrities or business tycoons. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!”
Her: “Sweetheart never tone deaf. But you generalized multi millionaires and billionaires. And some of us do great things for people! You enjoy as well!”
Me: “I was referring to Ellen DeGeneres; Tyrese; Madonna and now Oprah. You just bored! 😂.”
Me: “I would have never known what financial category you fall in until you slipped in my DM, so that’s on you. 😏
Her: “Again ‘brother’ it wasn’t and still ain’t that deep! Have a great weekend!”
Me: “Anyway, I’m sitting here reading yet another White House brief on this pandemic, so perhaps I’m a little on edge.”
Her: “Seems like it. We’re fighting the same cause. Sorry to bother. Take care.”
Me: “I just soft blocked an old Follower for posting how much she loved Oprah’s tone deaf post. Again, you slipped in my DM’s while I was reading about all of the good things that the President has achieved during this pandemic & the media is ignoring it all. So yeah, take care!”
Me: “In your feelings much my dear multi-millionaire? 😂
Her: “I’m so not. Lol”
Me: “Thanks for the UnFollow. Saved me from doing it. Silly person.”
Her: “You like to argue?”
Me: “You slipped into ‘my’ DM’s taking offense. 🤷🏾‍♂️ And yes, I love crisp debates.”
Her: “And just so you know I slipped in your DM as you say because I don’t put my business out there and it was a lighthearted joke.”
Me: “Ok. Got it. Take care!”
Her: “Lighten up brother! God bless!”
Me: “Sure Jan. 😏. I think I will turn this convo into one of my Her/Me conversations. I’m sure my Witnesses will get a kick out of it tomorrow. Be best! 😏
Her: “If that brings you joy. I don’t argue with people sweetheart. Have at it.
Again God bless. I hope tomorrow you will reread and accept my apology. It was. Lighthearted joke because you mentioned taxes. I should not have responded because we don’t know each other but I certainly did not expect it to get here. You admitted you were on edge so maybe...
you’ll realize I’m not your enemy. Again my apology. I didn’t sign up to argue with anyone including the left. Only here to help support Trump. Sincerely take care.”
Me: “Well, if you ever choose to Follow me again, you will find our entire convo on my TL. Apology accepted. 😏
Her: “And one last thing...you joked about racing a coyote in your Audi so I assumed you had a sense of humor but again we don’t know each other. Ok. God bless.”
Me: “MISERY starring Kathy Bates and James Caan is a great movie. You should watch it. Be best!”
Her: “Seriously why are you fighting with me?
Me: [Ignoring and watching the rest of MISERY.]
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