Need more anime to watch during quarantine? Perhaps a change of pace in the anime you're watching? Maybe want some catchy pop songs and story with a bunch of wholesome characters and great character development? May I suggest... 
It's hard trying to promote something that people know you personally like and is a genre that the general public is probably meh or cynical about lol... Because I know I would've been cynical about the series, and I was until I actually watched it and had to actually watch it.
So I'm trying to figure out ways that would've maybe helped convince myself to watch IDOLiSH7 if I didn't end up watching it because of work, and it's hard lol. People who are already familiar with the series obviously know how to good it is. But this genre is hard to promote.
IDOLiSH7 was a genuine surprise for me. I mean, I'm going to continue supporting it every week and in general but at the same time I know that trying too hard to push it on people is going to just push them away even more... So it's hard lol.
So I will actively promote when new episodes come out as I have been by giving out 48 premium account codes for CR when I have them and try stuff like this every once in a while... I'm not going to lecture people on where to watch, but legal views do seriously help.
I know not everyone can afford accounts for CR, especially with what we're all going through right now. Which is why I'm trying to give out the 48 hour premium codes when I have them to help promote and also, you can watch the new episodes for free a week after they go up.
I am in no way obligated to promote the series either since it's not in my job description (I'm just a translator/subtitle checker) but I like to promote the series that I personally enjoy when I can. I'll do what I can to support this series.
Lol thanks for the boost, @Crunchyroll
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