Are we morally not allowed to pay people to cut our hair either? What are we allowed to pay people to do?
I definitely don’t think we should enslave the hair stylists and force them to cut our hair against their will but if they want to cut our hair, who are we to stop them?
What am I going to do? Cough on them from the crown of my skull?
The dry cleaners are open. What am I not supposed to go to the dry cleaners either?
All you holier than though people in this thread are so full of shit. I doubt you even know how far six feet is. You’re not walking around with measuring sticks. You’re eyeballing it & treating it as a goal but one that is in practice not something that can literally be followed
I wonder if there has been a run in measuring sticks. I hope there has been and that there are people walking around with them. Someone should write that story.
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