I dislike the way Trump goes about pretty much everything, but we can't continue to get the shit end of the international stick when we are the ones footing the bill for everything - not from the UN. Not from the WHO. Not from NATO. International orgs are not our trust fund baby.
Unlike many of my followers, I do think international organs like this are important. But if it's our money then there should be proper oversight and there should be some proper fucking respect. We shouldn't fund an organization that doesn't recognize Taiwan, period.
So yeah how about this - you want our money? Here are some conditions. You don't have to kiss our feet, but you can't kiss China's feet.
Honestly I'm so tired of this excuse. If all our funding does is prevent an even greater Chinese influence than there already is then what are we even doing? https://twitter.com/MrTate/status/1250203820086439936
Yes I know the US has no embassy in Taiwan, but an organization responsible for global health can't not include them. That would be a lesser step than full recognition of Taiwan, which we should fucking do anyway too.
And yes I also know that this is angry talk and not very realpolitik but it speak to real frustration. These global organizations take our money, spend it on lavish shit for themselves, and then do whatever China wants in terms of policy and appointments. That's a bad investment.
I typically defend aid to Israel not because of Wilsonianism or whatever. On a purely tactical level, it's a good investment in terms of intelligence sharing, joint training, promotion of trade, etc. It's tax $$$, but the US is getting good stuff in that deal. Here not so much.
(PS: I say "typically" because I think aid to Israel is largely unnecessary these days and is just continued because of inertia and being a political wedge issue. Personally I feel like it creates more problems than it solves, particularly in US and global public opinion)
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