Someone check in on the DSA kids lol
Maybe they've already carried their toys all the way home
For the record this is a terrible endorsement but a good lesson in political realities and the folly of ideological purity
Bernard is also a landlord, while we're here.
Gotta hand it to the DNC, whoever they have twisting arms for Biden endorsements over there has Godfather-level skills
Not only did the trolling strategy of the Online Left fail to get their candidate into even April of the primaries, it has also resulted in the humiliation of him endorsing a centrist liberal accused sexual predator. The Ratio did not work, bros. It handed the election to libs.
Just going to point out here that Warren did not endorse Biden
Are there snake emoji under all of Bernard's tweets yet or nah?🐍🐍🐍
Suffering all the online swarms over Mild Disagreements were worth it to see the dirtbags get their online comeuppance in this fine, fine manner.
We are not hiding our schadenfreude on this fine Monday
Reading the hashtags straight down like
All the Angela Lansbury GIFs apply
Not only did the long, long months of dirtbag misogyny and trolling and Ratioing and attacking women NOT work, but it handed the election SO decisively to centrists that Bernard not only endorsed Biden but is currently kissing the lib ring by publicly interviewing him 😬😬😬
Going to leave this here. This has been a massive failure of the petulant Extremely Online Left, which has now managed to lose ALL leverage to push progressive policies like M4A and student debt cancellation bc their highest good was to be jerks on Twitter
Remember when the fictional "Elizabeth Warren is just angling for a spot in the Biden administration" Discourse was proof she was a traitor and Not a Real Progressive. My how times have changed (for men)
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