#LBRY could u please tell me (publicly or as a clear reply to my emails), what I did wrong to have my #rewards #blocked with no previous #warning? #bug?

#deleteYOUTUBE #dApps #crypto $LBC #blockchain #censorship #freedom #FreedomOfSpeech #FreedomOfExpression #decentralized
Well, just got the #email from #LBRY saying why i got my #rewards #disabled with NO previous #warning:

"Yes, it was for * - that's #mature content obviously. This is your final warning. Once you remove it or #tag it appropriately, let us know"

* now on https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9 
* an #MP3 #song now published on https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9 
(Note: I have more publishes with partial #nudity on thumbnails, so it means that #LBRY consider this song #MATURE only because of the lyrics - LOL - which means that one needs to understand the whole #lyrics of every song
... in order to #publish it with no chances of getting a #ONE and #ONLY (in the most beautiful scenario) #WARNING before losing #access to (at least) the #LBRY #reward #program for #violation of LBRY #rules, i.e. not classifying "mature content" as #mature - #LMAO).
In a previous #email, I asked for an #objective #definition of #MATURE, but I aint got any #reply to that request yet

The name of the #song ( https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9 ) is " #fuck me" in #Spanish - #LBRY Inc. considers this song #MATURE content, #ladies and #gentlemen
To me, nothing on this #content https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9  is #mature

#LBRY is getting #ridiculous

My inner #voice is telling me that #censorship on " #decentralized" #platforms might be #coming soon... #LOL If you suddenly #stop seeing my content on LBRY, you can guess why
But not to worry, #NOBODY will ever #STOP me! There will always be alternative ways to #publish and #denounce whatever I want #online.
#ADVICE: nowadays is virtually impossible to find "the #perfect" #company or #digital #platform, regardless of what they #claim (or seem) to #be and #do

#Shit will always float ! #GETtheSTRAP
Now I just got a " #schizophrenic reply" from #LBRY (their #employees really know how to be #empathetic, and they are all very well tuned concerning their answers #LOL) - enjoy the #story:
(1) yesterday, #LBRY #employee A told me via #email (all stored) that there was no need to add the #mature #tag to this #post: https://lbry.tv/@MP3ong:0/Freedom:a - the answer was "That can do without the mature tag"
#CONCLUSION: partial #nudity on #thumbnails is not mature
(2) Then I replied: So if that can do, why the following cant?

https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9  (updated later to add the #mature #tag etc)

You (employee A) said "You dont mark your content mature" - Can you please tell me which content are you referring to then?
(3) #LBRY employee A disappeared (never replied back), and then #employee B comes into #play #LMAO:

"Yes, it was for https://lbry.tv/cogeme:9  - that's #mature #content obviously. This is your final #warning. Once you remove it or #tag it appropriately, let us know."
(4) I added the #mature #tag to http://lbry.tv/cogeme:9  and replied to #LBRY #employee B:

"... Since you only mentioned that one, the only point must be the #lyrics, making it clear that partial #nudity on #thumbnails is not considered #mature ...
... (because the other links I sent in previous emails had nudity on the thumbnail)."

Then today, #LBRY #employee B replied (he really knows how to #communicate and #lead #LOL):
(5) "Use common sense - if the #image should not be viewed by someone under 18 or in a #workplace #environment, add the #mature #tag. We don't have time to #review all your and everyone's #content"
- #LBRY #employee A thinks #man's nude upper #body in a #thumbnail #pic ISNT #MATURE, but employee B thinks #woman's nude upper body in a thumbnail pic IS MATURE. However, employee B doesn´t know how to #communicate (as you can see in this #thread - #tweets above).
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