1. Unlike Kavanaugh's accusers, Ms Reade has a plausible story, is non partisan and seems highly credible.

The burden of proof lies on Ms Reade. Right now, Joe Biden remains an innocent man faking senility, to avoid indictment. https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1249270878451482624
1. What? Joe isn't senile?

No. He ain't.

Biden knows what's going on. This is a man facing 100+ years in jail for corruption all over the world.

Ask yourself - if your relative was descending into dementia, would you seriously burden them with a Presidential run?

3. Why?

Because it would be an evil thing to do. It could kill your close relative.

And they'd lose, anyway.

Ergo, this Biden 'senility' act is FAKE.

Look, Biden isn't very bright. That's for sure. He has zero chance of being POTUS.

Joe Biden is a con man.
4. Just 2 years ago, Biden seemed perfectly fine.

Stupid, yes. But compos mentis? Absolutely.

Now, faced with exposure of his corruption & alleged sexual misconduct, we have 'the senile guy'.

Who is running for President.

Er, OK.
5. Makes ZERO sense.

Then again, the Democrats make zero sense these days.

This is a political party in freefall.

And the bad stuff they've done hasn't even been revealed yet.

Trump will make sure EVERYONE knows by November, 2020.
6. Over 2 years ago, I was wondering if there would be a viable Democratic Party by the 2020 election.

Right now, I stick to my prediction that they will be a toxic & unelectable shell by then.

And if everyone votes, Trump will the popular vote and 45+ States as well.
7. As for Sleepy Joe, Ms Read's allegations are credible.

And no combo from the Clinton or Obama wings, will defeat Trump.

These are student politicians, with no experience of the world vs a tycoon who has mastered the real world.

They haven't got a chance.


The end.
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