1. Great tweet.

Look, the good guys have all the evidence. That's a given.

No way that A G Barr comes out and talks about the greatest travesty in US history, unless he is certain that the evidence proves it.

So, it raises the question : what to do with the conspirators? https://twitter.com/ZuccaJames/status/1248658664736591874
2. My personal opinion is that I'd prefer a small number of very high quality indictments, to a smorgasbord of indictments that may or may not succeed.

They have to have specific objectives - punishment, obviously. But also restoration of DOJ, judiciary, FBI, CIA and Congress.
3. Ergo, you need a very high profile indictment for each agency.

CIA - Brennan.
DOJ - Yates.
FBI - Comey & McCabe.
Congress - take your pick. AS if I would know.

Plus, indictments for egregious conduct by line officers. Clinesmith, Strzok, Page come to mind. There are so many.
4. But what about the very top people. What is a suitable punishment for them? What is the objective?

Obama - is jail the most effective punishment? Maybe not.

Perhaps public exposure & shaming is what he deserves. Remember, his currency is his (fake) legacy.
5. Think of Obama in 5 years, a free man in a prison of shame.

Rejected, bankrupted and disgraced. Unable to appear publicly. His name an example of America's worst abuse of power in history.

Jailing him allows Obama to claim martyr status.

EXPOSING him is far worse.
6. Hillary Clinton?

I think she's headed for the slammer. Slick Willy may go as well.

Not just because Trump has already said it will happen.

It's more because the Clintons, in the public eye, are THE emblem of the corruption and criminality that has rotted the Republic.
7. Plus, Crooked in particular is pathological. She needs to be incarcerated, for public safety reasons.

Her behavior since the election, when Trump almost begged her to STFU and disappear, has been totally insane.

So I think the Clintons are off to jail.

8. Again, every decision must achieve outcomes that get the American Republic out of the ICU.

Everything must be aimed at IMPROVEMENT.

These are the decisions that weigh on America's great(est) President. They're tough ones, especially as he and his family were victims.
9. These are, indeed, historic times.

Luckily, America has TRUMP.

Victory is assured, but it comes at a price.

We pray for the President @realDonaldTrump and his team, in the days and months ahead.



The end.
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