I am asked by many about diet and food. So this thread today on food habits. 1/10
If u eat only steamed broccoli or eggs or chicken breast , u would be leaner but u would be miserable too. Who would want to eat all of these life long? A restrictive diet does not work. And if someone says they r eating only greens and no oil, sugar etc they r lying 2/10
Allow yourself treats but never over do it. Remember staying the course requires sacrifice to obtain the body and life u want. When u r feeling weak with food remind yourself the goals u have in mind . Rule no 1- never put urself into restrictive diet. 3/10
While some nutrition experts strongly suggest complete elimination of cheat food, I don’t subscribe to that. Deprivation can also be negative and powerful force. If u over do , u may reach a point where u will abandon a healthy diet altogether 4/10
I do cheat. My plan is simple, 4 days clean eating followed by one day cheating. Cheating does not mean I will feel a mug full of ice cream but only one small bowl maybe. U can do 6 clean, 1day cheat or cheat a little each day. Remember moderation is key. 5/10
Write a daily journal of your food. There are various apps like Lose it or My fitness pal. Studies have shown Keeping a daily food diary has helped people reduce weight at double the speed. Self monitoring food intake heightens dietary awareness. 6/10
It is common for us to eat without being aware of calorie and macro in the food. Eating while distracted increases calorie intake. Never eat while watching TV or reading or tweeting. When u eat just eat and relish the food. 7/10
Change ur language. When some one offers u dessert or fries instead of saying I can’t say I don’t. Remove the restrictive mindset. Make the decision yours. ‘Don’t’ refusal is more empowering than ‘can’t’ refusal. 8/10
Eat three meals a day. Regulate your snacking. Write your food diary. Everything u eat or drink. Pick up 4 days a week where u will not eat anything out of the box. Means everything u r eating will be cooked fresh at home. 9/10
Gently eliminate the foods that are more destructive and add the ones that are good for you. Chip away at these eating habits and u will get there. Maximise ur results by intelligently indulging in your favourite food 10/10
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