Top 15 Bodyweight Exercises

1) Chin/ Pull Up
Back, arms, biceps, being lean, be able to do these is requisite to being athletic

the best grip is actually a a parallel grip, its the most joint friendly. Do them on rings if possible
2) Pushup
Chest, shoulders, triceps...Mankind has been building his upperbody with these since the dawn of time

Put your feet up, use rings, try staggered or 1-arm, there are many many variations to make them harder
3) Squat

Your hips go down, your hips come up. If you're a strong person, doing a 100+ of these is barely challenging

it should be EASY to do high rep sets

And if you know how to modify them, you can build very muscular legs without ever using weights
4) Lunge

If you cannot do these, youre not athletic, period.

Lunges should be able to be done in every direction. Every sport takes place on the transition between two legs
5) Inverted rows (sometimes called reverse pushups)

I love these. Inverted rows are best done with straps or rings, can also do them in a squat rack or smith machine with the bar. Works entire upper back

Aim to do 20 in one set
6) Dips

Dips can be progressed with weight, but the basic version is done on parallel bars, chin tucked to the chest, slight forward lean, lowering the body, pressing up through the shoulders, chest, triceps.

The strength standard to aim for with dips is 20 reps
7) Situps and Crunches

The science geeks will hate on these, but every fight gym and military in the world has their men do them, and they WORK.

Do them properly and reap the rewards. Being able to pull yourself up with your abs is a mandatory strength
8) Handstand Pushup

FYI, these are HARD.

You have to build up to them by doing Pike pushups, and you'll eventually need parallettes to do them properly

But they build shoulders better than any free weight exercise

and if you can do them free standing, thats strong AF
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