Thanks to whoever rec’d the “Dumpling” grocery app as an #InstacartStrike alternative - 1st experience in Chicago today worked great.
It was more expensive but knowing $ are going right to the shopper (& having total transparency about that) is a load off my mind.
For people who like a visual aidt
My suggestion would be, download app (it is free) or go to website and see who is available where you are & what they cover? I am north-northwest side of Chicago and can’t speak to anywhere else.

Database is...a database that exists. My shopper gave me a pro-tip - con’t-
That I could select 1 item from 1 store to initiate an order and then email or text her my *actual* list, which could be handwritten, screenshots, etc.

NGL, I 100% used Instacart database to check availability & price & then transcribed it for her, worked great.
Platform fee, $15 base per store fee, tip (20% minmum) get calculated automatically based on actual receipt prices.

As she shopped we communicated by text about order changes, like so.
Contactless delivery to my building lobby
I am a longtime happy @Instacart user (disabled, no car, wee litterbox demons) and I really, really want them to do right by their workers.

I couldn’t get a delivery time there at all this week even if I was willing to cross the strike line, so this worked out well today.
There are only three Dumpling ppl serving my neighborhood at all that I can see, so there is probably a lot of room for disgruntled Instacart people to jump in and see if this is safer and better paid? I don’t have enough info from the worker side.
I def. felt like the shopper I worked with was out to save me $ & get me the most bang for my grocery dollars, and we could be really clear, like, here’s what I think it should cost, here’s my contingency ceiling, if it’s more than that, here’s what I can do without.
I won’t make my specific person Internet Famous w/o consent but she was a champ & I will write a glowing review on the app.

A friend is compiling a list of Chicago-area farm CSAs & weekly orders, will share when I can.

Let’s all keep eating & being alive. ❤️💪🏻
You can follow @CAwkward.
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