This would be fine as it is but she's actually also dropping off their shopping. She's performing a vital service AND checking up on them at the same time.
Hairy and I are doing shopping for three or four households at a time at the moment. We also wave through the window when we drop the items off. We have elderly family members and lots of disabled, sick and vulnerable friends. A lot of you need to wind your fucking necks in.
Tonight we're delivering a wee chippy to my in-laws who haven't been able to leave the house since before the general quarantine kicked in. Essential? I'd bloody say so.

Stop curtain-twitching.
What we're doing is no different from the services provided by council volunteers, either: shopping collection, welfare checks and even the odd delivery of a treat or two.

It's us or a strained service. This bullshit attitude that only The Officials should be out is dangerous.
Help your friends and family. Your selfishness is more dangerous than the virus.
Oh and that shopping for multiple families has been made harder by wankers pulling us up for going into the shops together and the limitation on items that can be purchased at once. We're up to multiple trips to the same shops a day, something the virus cops also disapprove of.
Anyway last time I ranted about this and people abusing volunteers for similar reasons I was told I don't have the temperament for public service (lmao) so in conclusion: shut up, the adults are working.
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