If you got to college, accrue 100k in debt,

move to big city with high cost of living,

is your degree "making you more" than someone that learned a skilled trade and lives in a more affordable mid sized city?
The yearly income for degrees varies massively

And demand for said degrees/jobs is never accounted for

Its only charts that get thrown at kids screaming at them they'll be stupid and poor if they dont go to college
"People with only a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA make 30% less!"

All of them?

Is that eliminating everyone thats got non academic credentials and works in a trade?

Does that account for say...women who dropped out of the workforce when they had kids?
"its an AVERAGE, dont you understand how a MEAN works?"

I do understand, but I also know that a single statistic does not a convey a complete contextual picture

Stats can be used and abused to suit any narrative
I grew up in the 1990s, graduated high school in 2007

It was drillled into us that

College=More money, you're smart!

No college=Stupid and poor

I cannot begin to describe the number of charts that were brought constantly harping on how college graduates earned more...
You dont really question it at the time, it sounds convincing

Now I look back and I realize the tyranny of statistics and the narrative indoctrination
High schools nationwide got delayed this year

College enrollment will be delayed

Think VERY hard if attending is going to be worth it
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