The percentage of tests that are coming up positive in NY state remains very high but now falling a bit each day:

4/7 (most recent): 41.7%
4/6: 42.5%
4/5: 46.7%
4/4: 44.6%
4/3: 46.9%
4/2: 48.6%
4/1: 48.1%
3/31: 50.4%
3/30: 49.9%
3/29: 49.5%
3/28: 43.9%
The peak in newly-detected cases coming on 3/31 would make a lot of sense. Roll 2-3 weeks back from that (average lag time between infection + case detection) and we're in the 2nd week of March, when the problem is becoming clearer but before there's much social distancing.
Test volume in New York isn't increasing THAT much but it is increasing SOME... around 20k tests per day now (and a record 25k yesterday) vs. 15k or so on average in the week before that. Enough to have an effect on what the curve looks like.
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