I’d agree with Dani Rodrik’s contention that Convid-19 won’t alter – much less reverse – tendencies that were evident before the crisis. In fact I’d argue that the pandemic is not so much a gamechanger – as many people think – as it is an event that... https://prosyn.org/g7kA21U 
...will sharply accelerate changes that were already taking place: changes in the accumulation of debt, in the impact of income inequality, in rising isolationism and the spreading reaction against globalization, in the popularity of strongmen leaders over the democratic...
...process, and so on.

Some of these changes will be long-lasting, but others less so. For example in a decade or two, I suspect that we will re-learn that while the adjustment process among robust democracies seems at first far messier and less efficient than that of...
...non-democracies, this will mostly be because democracies were in fact adjusting, while autocracies were able to postpone adjustment for a few years.
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