Extracts from the plague diary of Mark ne-Francois-Pepys

April 6th

Up, and as grim news doth grow that the plague having a great increase this last week beyond all expectation, to my cellar to check my petriot dishes wherein I have been at work on a vaccine.

Grayte astonishment that these miniature dishes of Monster, Dairylea and my own kidney stones be teeming with lyfe, and after fetching the glass with which I endeavour to see the moon and Lady Liz Truss’s house, did discover a civilisation of tens of thousands

of minuscule souls, organised and thriving in an E number metropolis. But, Lord! to see such wonder there, with much excitement I did fetch my longer glass and standing some way above the table on a stack of What Car? magazines looked nearer and did

marvel at the intrepidity of these diminutive mortals, and that they were evolving at an extraordinary rate. This most absorbing sight did take a decidedly odd turn whence observing my eye in the sky, they by and by began the erection of statues and temples in my likeness,

quite understandably believing me a God. As on other occasions when this has happened, usually with woman, the competing parties waged war. On one side 300 warriors in tunics, sandals and led by a man in rimless bifocals very much like Steve Baker, defended all that was

good and right in the microbial realm. The other, a polyglottal hoard in suave suits, armed to its annoyingly good teeth with red tape, straight bananas, and a single currency. A battle most ferocious therein was fought at a narrow pass just outside
a Thermopylae Retail Park (Prezzo, Toby Carvery, no TGIs). The bacterial Spartans fought tremendously; their heroism matched in stature only by the scale of the odds against them. Alas, they were betrayed by turncoats named Soubry and Stewart who by revoking a particle 50

rendered the Sportans outflanked. My Zeus-like eyes began leaking water, that these pathogenic patriots should be defeated by a public-transport venerating virus. But Lord God bless me! in an instant all was right again. A heroic and ferocious looking TA catering officer

in Royal Anglian Regimental tie, flew a pollen sized Spitfire out of an industrial unit in what appeared to be their Chingford, and strafed the croissant munching illiputians into the middle of 1940, a most unlikely victory was assured.

And thus, having self-isolated from all their economic neighbours, sovereignty was returned and I spent a most pleasant day sypping Monster and watching them build endless housing estates, motorway networks, and immigration controls appearing to run on
Australian style points based immigration system lines.
It was as perfect a kingdom and as close to Basildon as anything I have seen. Perhaps better. Yet I must report with heart heavy, that with formidable alacrity, my mayde Hartley Brewer whipped the dishes from under

my glass, and tipped them in the sink speaking vexedly ‘Mark, these are the plates I microwave your fishfingers on’.
And most melancholy with the not knowing if I’d cured Covid 19 or nay, I logged onto X-Box to play my young friend Todd at Call of Duty.
Callipo. Bed.

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