There are 2 political things I would like to come out of this chaotic moment:

1. Find a way to get Elizabeth Warren back in the presidential race

2. Wrest the left from white leftist dudebros who went to prestigious schools and are now using the internet to call women names
I'm sorry, we did NOT come through four waves of feminism to see incels with fears of inadequacy line up to oppress women from the left as they have been oppressed from the right, with an army of Karens and Beckys aiding white male supremacy to save themselves.
Imagine taking your orders from these clowns. No ma'am. They're the same type of man who has oppressed women for centuries and locked us out of power. Wake up ladies. The left needs to belong to women now.
The women who are ready to sit back and let men lead the left maybe haven't noticed that it's still almost all men. Again: No ma'am. "Feminism worked, now we let the boys lead" is not going to be good enough. Women politicians are flawed too but we need representation.
Right now the men are so flawed they're useless for leadership - Bernard did almost nothing for socialism in Congress! He just sat it out to stay pure! Why would he ever start doing things at 78? - and we keep demanding that women be perfect. That's misogyny. Women are human.
All I know is that after watching these Extremely Online bros cosplaying as leftists to abuse people online DURING A PANDEMIC -- we need a new system entirely. These bros, this diminishment of women every time they speak, is not going to be our future. It's the past. Fuck it.
Once they're done calling all the liberal women bad names - with socialist ladies cheering them on - they'll turn their attention to you, Comrade Karen. Respect for women -- ALL WOMEN -- is the baseline. The left is letting us down in political practice. Don't allow it.
If your leftism doesn't center oppressed populations - Black people, Black women, Latinos and Latinas, East and South Asians, Middle Easterners and Arabs - as equally as it centers white men, it's not leftism. It's white supremacy.
And there are women from all these populations -- and add Indigenous women! -- who have been online for YEARS telling you that they are being pushed out of the current white-male-centered, class-reductionist left. Amplify them! Start with following @surlybassey and go from there.
I *never* want to see little troll-farm leftist accounts swarming women's mentions for hours here every time a woman says anything about her experience of leftism. I *never* want to see millionaire Gl*nn Gr**nwald, rich on VC money, patronizing women about what leftism means.
Things have gotten out of hand and I urge lefty women to find each other, talk, organize and take over this Discourse and this entire movement. We need a compassionate leftist politics. We DON'T need online bros telling us the only way we can get healthcare is their verbal abuse.
And not for nothing: We tried their way - TWICE - and it failed. Bernard has lost TWICE in high-stakes political bids for the presidency. This online strategy SUCKS. It is ineffective. Wanking to Ratio people on Twitter has NOT worked, it WILL not work, it FAILED, let it go.
Get some grownups in the leftist leadership room and by grownups I mean women. I'll be damned if I listen to anyone telling me to take marching orders from the same arrogant, mediocre bros I saw failing up in my fancy schools - just bc now they're complaining about failing down.
And we can START with smacking down every bro who fires up his Twitter machine to tell any progressive women that she's not really a leftist for any reason they make up. You can be on the left as long as you are WORKING for structural change and not wasting time trolling people.
This is the perfect tweet and I want people to think about it.
Already women with internalized misogyny jumping in like the paramilitary arm of Defending White Maleness to say you can't trust women just because of their gender. Sure: So why are you trusting white men just because of their gender? Why is every president a man?
Leave aside the very important fact that white maleness is the center of white supremacy, and women served it in an attempt to stay safe. Leave those second-class servile dynamics behind. So a woman isn't perfect. Any man in this race is already a proven disaster.
You can follow @moorehn.
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