I hate this line of thinking (AnYtHiNg CaN HaPpEn NoW BeCaUsE TrUmP! 2016! 2020!) https://twitter.com/julianzelizer/status/1245729822694875136
Here's how Andrew Cuomo could be nominated. Joe Biden drops out. That *could* happen. He could get sick. There could be some huge scandal. If Democrats need a last-minute replacement for Biden, then Cuomo might be the choice you'd bet on. Short of that though, very very unlikely.
The delegates are technically free agents (even on the first ballot, *pledged* delegates aren't legally *bound*) but the delegates they are *chosen by the candidates* so you can expect loyalty. The Biden delegates are gonna want Biden unless Biden doesn't want the nomination.
Meanwhile, actual Democratic voters are drifting *more* toward Biden as the coronavirus crisis unfolds. The behavior of real people is completely divorced from the narrative on here, a lesson folks probably already ought to have learned re: Biden. https://twitter.com/EchelonInsights/status/1245724011725807618
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