Just had first remote learning video class and it went...well. 27/30 kids showed, all followed mute/textbox/talk norms, all asked good qs. They seemed...off, though. Could sense a lot of fear. Teachers have work to do this week in comforting students/families.
Day 2: Attendance still high. Started with more specific ice-breaker (what are you binging?) and played shared game ( @GetKahoot w/ @Google Meet) which really helped overall vibe. Even had first disciplinary action (if you wouldn't say it in class, don't type it in the textbox)
Day 3: Been in Google Meet for what feels like days. Impressed by how my 14-year-olds took to discussion posts so quickly. Concerned about how some of them are feeling lonely. Then SO many teacher video meetings. Now my 1st e-BU grad class-- brainstorming w/ Prof @dunneteach
Day 4: Our first class quarantine birthday! Of course we had to unmute and sing. Here's the textbox. Everyone's a critic...
Day 5: Got to the “classroom” early in my Friday best. Reading Marshall Memo, @Doug_Lemov, and @PBS resources on remote learning. What else should I read to prepare for next week?
Day 6: trying to bring choice into our lessons. Today we started a cool new short story. I said we'd discuss it tomorrow, but they could stay on the call to read it now if they wanted. Only 5 kids stayed, but they took turns reading aloud & then we had a neat discussion.
Day 7: unexpected result of synchronous remote learning: some students-- including my buddy here-- who NEVER participated in class, are participating SO much more (and helpfully!) by using the text box. makes me wonder how to tap into it when we eventually go back.
Day 8: after comparing notes w lots of teachers, strong believer in synchronous teaching whenever possible (we're lucky to have 1:1 chromebooks in my school). 20 minute discussion, then go write/post for 20 minutes. when they're not in room, i make it Ravenclaw common room
Day 9: yesterday, most of my class had heard this (false) quote from POTUS. i affirmed it, and asked if someone could find the clip so we could all watch it. after 5 min, no one could, and it provided a great chance to talk CORROBORATION OF SOURCES, now more than ever.
Also, thanks @TeamBrandy617 for the tip on @polleverywhere!
Day 10: we're two weeks in, and norms/routines/expectations pretty well established. i see so much debate over how to do this remote learning/if it should count. i'm def not indifferent to arguments about equity, but...
...it sometimes feels like we teachers are just admiring the problem/rationalizing doing nothing because we can't serve our students as well as we want to. isn't something better than nothing? #teacherlife #sschat #education
Day 11: Presented without comment.
Day 12: Starting class with objective, nonalarmist info about Covid AND a fun game/ice breaker helps a TON with attendance and engagement. When one student said they weren't satisfied with Miley Cyrus on their team, several unmuted and said, "she'll come in like a wrecking ball!"
Day 14: Really worried about students' mental health. Today was "hat day" (in honor of Fenway opener), and most kids glumly said they didn't have one and/or didn't want to get it if they did. Complaints of nothing to do AND too much work.Trying to figure out best way to respond.
Day 15: the @polleverywhere tools definitely help with this.
"The CDC said I could come to class like this".

Happy 2020, no one!
Day 16: Scrapped the lesson plan today. Said kids needed to hop off the call, find (or write!) a poem that resonated with them, then get back on the call. One kid picked "We Wear the Mask", and I couldn't tell if they joking, serious, or both. Here are a few others:
Day 17: SPECIAL GUEST! Needed someone who could speak to the 14th Amendment (for SS) AND satire (for English) AND be funny/engaging. Who could I ask? Wait...wait...don't tell me...thank you @petersagal for joining us this morning!
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