I'm tired of people talking about what "real men" do and don't do.

A fucking thread.
"Real men don't shave."

Bullshit. Your face pubes mean nothing. It's nothing more than face pubes. I love my face pubes but that's all they are to me. They symbolize absolutely nothing.
"Real men eat meat."

Fucking dumb. Your diet choice doesn't mean a fucking thing. Your "manliness" is not proportional to the amount of meat you consume. This is dumb as hell.
"Real men wear <certain clothes>."

Again with this shit. Wear whatever the fuck you want. Clothes are practical and expressive and they don't have a fucking thing to do with how "manly" you are.
I could go on and on with these, but the point is that the idea of "manliness" has become a fucking joke. It's turned into a security blanket for some men, and a weapon for others.
Now before I continue, let me be clear that this is neither to say women don't have to deal with similar shit, nor to diminish their struggles, nor to draw comparisons. I'm just speaking on what I know.
Let's talk about dick size. We like to zing guys with flawed personalities by saying "must have a small dick." Hell I've done it, but lately I've quit and I'll tell you why: It just makes the problem worse.
The whole idea that the size of your dick is somehow linked to your identity as a "man" or your worth is fucked up. It means nothing. Guys listen to me...it's meaningless. You have no control of your dick size. You never did. You shouldn't be ashamed.
Just being surrounded by comments like "Oh he's a douche he must have a little dick," it has to make some guys wonder. Hell a lot of these guys probably shaped their identity around the idea of "big dick energy" or whatever the fuck it was called.
It's just fucking dumb. Your dick size doesn't mean anything. It has no bearing on who you are as person. If someone accuses you of having a "small dick" ask them what that has to do with anything. It. Means. Nothing.
Let's talk about manliness as a security blanket. Men like to ascribe a bunch of characteristics to the nebulous thing called "manliness." And it's usually dumb shit like what I mentioned above. That way, they can just exhibit those characteristics and be perceived as "manly."
But when someone comes along and undermines it, oh fuck! WHAT! That manly man doesn't eat meat? "HE'S GAY!" "LITTLE DICK! LITTLE DICK!" They feel threatened! You've taken their security blanket away! Fucking stupid.
That goes hand-in-hand with what I mentioned prior about weaponizing the concept of manliness. Insecure men like to browa beat other men with their definition of "manliness." It's like a metaphorical "dick measuring contest."
You'll see some stupid meme, for example, of a guy walking with a girl on a sidewalk and he's not on the side nearest the street, and the caption will read something like "REAL MEN know what's wrong with this." Fucking dumb.
"Real men are strong!"

Replace "strong" with any characteristics. Wise. Respectful. It's not that I disagree entirely but when you say this it sounds like "manly men" have a monopoly on "strength."
So when a woman or someone who isn't "traditionally masculine" (ugh don't get me started) comes along who also posesses those qualities, you'll hear dumb shit like "She has a dick."
This is going on and on, and honestly I could keep going. So let me sum it up. There isn't really such thing as a "real man." Stop injecting your insecurities into the definition of "manliness" and deal with those insecurities properly.
And while I'm at it, stop injecting your preferences into the definition of a "real man." You like beards and trucks and abs? Fine. Someone else probably doesn't. That's what makes the world go around.
If I were forced at gunpoint to define "real man," the best thing could come up with is that it's a male who isn't threatened or influenced by this silly bullshit. And that definition excludes most of us, myself included.
Anyway, I'm fucking done with this rant. Fuck! I want to fucking break something. Also I'm not a fan of setting Kafka traps but here it is. I'm willing to bet guys who get butthurt by this post are the same kind of guys I've described. Well I'm done.
Sorry for all the fucking typos. I rage typed it all without proofreading. The typos are raw emotions. Fuck off.
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