What has helped me over the years of fitness/life improvement has been classifying certain things as
"Non-Negotiables" in my mind.

This means that there are certain things that YOU JUST DO, and prioritise before anything else.
Once you place these things in the mental box of "DO IT", you eliminate a lot of the procrastination and nonsense that your brain can tell yourself to convince yourself to get out of a workout, or eat shitty, etc.

Just say to your brain "

A no brainer, make sure you're getting 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Yes, this will mean foregoing the extra Netflix episode or getting off your PC early. It's worth it, trust me.

If you're not exercising your body in some way then you're not going to be living optimally

Taking the time to prepare and cook healthy, nutritious meals in line with what your goals are. This includes shopping at the best quality shop in your area.

Sinple enough, drink your water throughout the day.

Keeping the areas you interact with every day clean has an effect on your subconscious brain. When everything is clean and tidy, everything put in its appropriate place, your brain subconsciously processes less, leaving you less stressed overall

This involves washing, shaving, moisturising after the shower (coconut oil), haircuts, tweezing eyebrows, skin care etc
SUN ☀️

I make it a point to get a minimum of half an hour sun every day, on as much of your naked skin as possible. For me, this means shirt off, sunbathing on my lunch break, then beach on weekends.

Eliminate most aches and pains from weightlifting and promote flexibility by stretching consistently every night before bed. 20 minutes is all you need.

Commit to a regular time to read 30 minutes, before bed is a good time. Read whatever you're interested in, boost your vocabulary and processing power.

Make the call to a close friend or family in order to catch up, debrief about the week or just to chat shit. It is an essential pillar of the human experience. This can be combined with a workout for a two birds one stone situation.
All of these come before 'leisure' activities, all will have far reaching benefits if you commit to them and will open your body and mind up to a pain-free, clear state of mind that will enable you to progress further in the other areas of your life.
You can only love other people if you first love and care for yourself.

Only if you are strong mentally and physically yourself, will you be able to lend strength and compassion to others around you.
You can follow @SolBrah.
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