DM: ‘The barman hands you your drinks and demands £15’

Fighter: ‘For three cokes?!’

Wizard: ‘I cast Charm Barman’

DM: ‘He seems immune’

Bard: ‘I’ll play a tune-‘

DM: ‘The Barman says no busking’

Bard: ‘I continue singing’

DM: ‘You’re in the back of a Police car...’
DM: ‘Three youths approach you on the path-‘

Mage: ‘Well met!’

DM: ‘The youths hurl insults at you, they are especially critical of your robes’

Mage: ...

Mage: ‘Fire-‘

(DM shakes head)

Mage: ...

Mage: ‘Arcane hand!’

DM: ‘A giant hand appears’

Mage: ‘I slap them’

DM: ...
DM ‘You’re in Guildford hunting for Christmas presents’

Mage: ‘Cast Detect Present’

DM: ‘You see the socks you are after - make a roll’


DM: ‘An octogenarian has also seen them’

Rogue: ‘Run to the socks!’

(Rolls, fails)

DM: ‘Too late!’

Barbarian: (goes into rage)
Reposting as I spotted a spelling mistake!
DM: ‘The red beast closes on you - blaring!’

Fighter: ‘I attack’


DM: ‘Your sword bounces off it’

Mage: ‘Fireball!’

DM: ‘A hit! The beast stops, a man steps from out of it’

Players: ‘?’

Bus driver: ‘What are you doing?’

DM: ‘You’re in the back of a Police car...’
DM: ‘You’re stuck in traffic on the motorway’

Mage: ‘Look for a way through’

(Rolls, passes)

DM: ‘You spy a lane-‘

(Mage puts foot down)


(1 mile later)

Mage: ‘I cast invisibility’

(Tap, Tap, Tap)

Policeman: ‘Name and licence...’

Rogue: ...
DM: ‘You’re waiting for a delayed train-’


Bard: ‘I sing a jovial tune!’

DM: ‘Make a roll’

(Bard passes)

DM: ‘You spot the murderous looks from the waiting crowd’

Bard: ‘I stop’

Mage: ‘Cast COMMAND on the Bard’


DM: ‘To do what?’

Mage: ‘Sing’

DM: ‘You’re at the back of a long queue’

Barbarian: (growls)

Bard: ‘I-‘

Mage: ’Cast silence on the Bard’


Bard: ...

DM: ‘A new till opens up-‘

Party: ‘Run for it!’

DM: ‘Everyone roll’

(All fail)

DM: ‘You’re at the back of a long queue...’

Barbarian: (growls)
DM: ‘It’s been a great night of revelry - now it’s time to go home’

Cleric: ‘I hail a cab’

DM: ‘Roll’


DM: ‘None stop’

Paladin: (snorts) ‘Amateur, I cast Find Steed’

(DM rolls)

DM: ‘An illuminated rickshaw turns up’

Paladin: ...

Cleric: ‘I start to walk home’
DM: ‘You’re at airport security’

Paladin: ‘I walk forward-‘

DM: ‘A buzzer sounds’

Paladin: ‘?’

Guard: ‘Follow me, Sir’

Paladin: ‘But, I’m lawful-‘

Druid: ‘My turn, I walk forward’

DM: ‘Nothing happens’

(Druid grins)

DM: ‘Paladin, you hear the sound of a latex glove...’
DM: ‘The room is wobbling, you fall to the floor and shake-‘

Ranger: ‘I try to stand up!’

DM: ‘Roll for Dex’


DM: ‘You fall over-’

Ranger: ‘I thrust my dagger into the floor!’


DM: ‘You hear a hisss!’

Ranger: ‘Gas trap!’

Bouncy Castle Man: ‘Oi! You! Off!’
DM: ‘You reach the stairs down-‘

Paladin: ‘I go first-’

DM: ‘Perception roll!’


DM: ‘The stairs are moving’

Paladin: ‘By the unholy, I run back-‘

DM: ‘Too late’

Paladin ‘Save youselves!’

DM: ‘Helpless, you slowly descend towards a waiting mall guard’

Paladin: ...
DM: ‘From the darkness two creatures of night emerge; dressed all in black, their faces pale, eyes dark - faces etched by sadness’

Cleric: ‘Turn undead!’

DM: ‘Roll the dice’


DM: ‘No effect’

Cleric: ‘?’

DM: ‘The goths glare at you as they saunter past’

Cleric: ...
‘There’s a knock at the door...’

Bard: ‘I answer it’

DM: ‘Standing before you is a small group of smiling children’

Bard: (annoyed) ‘Yes?’

DM: ‘They begin to sing a carol about baby Jesus-‘

Bard: ‘I cast ‘Power Word Kill’


DM: ‘You are in the back of a Police car...’
DM: ‘You’re in a car park-‘

Rogue: ‘Look for a parking spot’

DM: ‘Roll’


DM: ‘You spot one, but another car nips in!’

Mage: ‘Cast disintegrate’

DM: ‘Both car and owner disappear’

(Mage grins as he parks)

Cleric: (sighs) ‘Cast Resurrection’

Mage: ‘Spoil sport...’
DM: ‘You’re standing in a packed train carriage, there’s no room to move’

Mage: ‘I need a seat’

Cleric: ‘There isn’t one’

Mage: ‘Cast stinking cloud’

(DM rolls)

DM: ‘The stench is horrendous, but surprisingly, nobody moves’

Cleric: ‘I point accusingly at the mage’

Mage ...
DM: ‘The pieces of the puzzle lie scattered around you-‘

Rogue: ’Check for traps’

(Rolls, passes)

DM: ‘You find none’

Mage: ‘I study the puzzle for a solution’

DM: ‘Roll’


Mage: ‘Curses, this is beyond me!’

Rogue: ...

Bard: ‘That IKEA unit made yet?’

Mage: ...
DM: ‘You finish your meal and gesture for the bill...’

Paladin: ‘How we splitting this?’

Mage: ‘What’s that behind you?’

(Paladin turns)

Paladin: ‘?’

(Mage casts Teleport)

(Rogue hides in the shadows)

Paladin: ‘What the-‘

Waiter: ‘Your bill, Sir’

Paladin: ‘SonOva-‘
DM: ‘You are at a tavern guarded by two bouncers-‘

Paladin: ‘I walk in’

(DM rolls, passes)

DM: ‘You pass safely’

Mage: ‘Me next-‘

(DM rolls, fails)

Bouncer: ‘Get lost, Grandad’

Mage: ‘Stand aside, peasants!’

DM: ‘The bouncers attack-‘

DM: ‘You’ve been waiting at home all day for a messenger-‘

Barbarian: ‘Yawning, I get myself a drink’

DM: ‘Roll the dice’

(Rolls a 1)

DM: ‘When you return you spy a card pushed under your door, it says: Sorry I missed you, I’ll try again tomorrow-‘

Barbarian: ‘FURIOUS RAGE!’
Interviewer: ‘What experience do you have?’

Mage: ‘I’m level 7’

Interviewer: ‘I mean work experience-‘

Mage: ‘I killed a dragon once’


Mage: ‘I can do magic!’

Interviewer: ‘Can make yourself disappear?’

Mage (eyes narrow)

DM: ‘You’re in the back of a police car-‘
DM: ‘You’re sat for Xmas dinner-‘

Cleric: ‘I bless the chicken’

DM: ‘It’s dead, it won’t improve future saving throws’

Cleric: ...

Bard: (standing) ‘A toast-’

Mage: (grins) ‘Allow me’

Party: ‘No! Wai-‘

(Mage casts fireball)

DM: ‘You’re all in the back of an ambulance...’
DM: ‘You’re at a New Year’s Eve Party-‘

Mage: ‘I’ll try to woo a wench’

DM: ‘Roll Charisma’


Mage: ‘I get drunk’

DM: ‘Next morning, you wake to find yourself in bed with a woman-‘

(Mage grins)

DM: ‘Roll Perception’


DM: ‘Now roll vs Petrification’

You can follow @AndiEwington.
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