Thread on how to protect your car from car thieves in Nigeria.

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First step of security is keeping the thieves out.

If your car key is a remote then you don't need the key hole. Cover it like this.

Thieves can use their key to open the door but can rarely have another remote key with them.
If your car key isn't a remote, you can neatly install a padlock. They can use their keys but they cannot have the keys to the padlock 😌
Let's assume you didn't adhere to instruction 1 & they gain access to your vehicle, have either a pedal lock or a steering lock installed, they definitely cannot drive your car anywhere without spending hours frustratingly cutting your locks, and they don't have that time
Let's assume you're very stubborn and have none of the above installed, this is where you'll need a special weapon.

Keep a trained poisonous snake in your car to bite anyone who isn't you at the driver's seat when your car is opened.

Your local babalawo can hook you up.
If you don't have a car snake, your car will ne driven away and a car tracker is the only option you have to recover your car. Get one installed.
Alternatively, you can meet up with your local bomb consultant to install a self destruct bomb which will blow up your car with the thief inside whenever you notice it missing.
End of thread. Thanks for reading.
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