Man I feel like I have to say this all the fvcking time but people who write fiction where a much older character grooms a much younger character and writes it in a way that portrays the grooming & inevitable relationship as romantic & sexy & whatever.....need to stop.
Like I feel like they feel they can get away with it if it's borderline? Like if the younger character isn't TECHNICALLY a minor? But as someone who WAS groomed when not technically a minor I can tell you it's still fvcking trash to make this a romantic trope
Like being groomed when you're 18 by someone 20 years older than you and in a position of power over you ISN'T FUN???

It sucks it hurts it ruins you it ruins your future it ruins your mental health it ruins your relationships with other people it messes things up entirely
And I hear people saying "writers should write what they want!" and sure ok fine but at the same time, readers should be able to trash what they want, readers should be able to say "wow this writer is a bit too comfortable writing about adults fvcking kids for me to support them"
And I keep thinking how if one of these fvcking authors wrote about my experience--how easy it would be for them to make it sound ROMANTIC and I legit want to throw up
And it always seems to be white cis women who do these things. Whether it's fetishizing gay men or fetishizing grooming or fetishizing interracial relationships white cis women authors can be horribly, disgustingly IRRESPONSIBLE with how they handle delicate topics
We rightly trash white cis dude authors for being bad at everything but we gotta do the same for white cis women authors.

Especially when they're writing for teens
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